Friday, October 8, 2010

Next status update

Hi there,

Once again I can only give you a status update. The first tests of my upcoming Linux appliance have started. I'll include wine, seems like this is going to be used a lot.
Also, note that this Linux will be installed on an USB stick or any kind of memory card. It is not installable on your hard drive, but I think we can compromise here.


  1. I'll be real interested in this.

    Seems you really know your stuff when it comes to Linux.

  2. since Im a total novice when it comes to linux, I assumed wine was something you were drinking while working on your stuff!

  3. I dont know how to use linux but i know how to somewhat run UBUNTU. Take care BRO!!! :D

  4. nice work here... btw, I have Hayden Panetierre bubbled on Enhanced by MS Paint :P

  5. I hope everything goes on in better way :D

    Still supp.

  6. Your usb stick linux looks like a very good idea :)

  7. eh. thumb drive, hard drive...when usb3.0 becomes more common it'll pretty much amount to the same thing, speed wise.

  8. Good luck, also I think I have tried something like that: Once I downloaded a Linux and I burn it into a CD and It worked cool. but bad thing I couldn't understand that OS, and I've hear many wonderful thing about Linux, I think I'm fine with Windows (by Now) Nice blog, man, keep updating, and I hope to see you in my blog ^_^

  9. I LOVE LINUX! :D Now following your blog! Check out mine:

  10. cool, i might stick it up on a VM when you release it :p
